puzzle pieces

Piece by piece it comes together,

the words seem to fall just like the weather,

the beautiful delicacies and intricacies of each letter form as words and I start to see the bigger picture,

the flow of the pen sends an electric shock down my spine,

ironically reaching tranquility which helps to ease my mind,

unfazed by the calamity surrounding me,

I’m in my own world and it’s precisely where I want to be,

like a foreigner in another’s land,

I’m courteously peaking at the words that flow to my hand,

inspecting every last detail until it feels real,

as I’m putting it into frame,

I can’t help but think how perfect each piece fits,

the beautiful artistry that I’m now mesmerized by,

is looking me square in the eyes,

and that’s when I realize,

the bigger picture is just a sum of it’s smaller parts,

so words are just puzzle pieces that assume position as thoughts come to full fruition.


Internal Awareness